Catalysis Consulting, led by Dr David Cane, specializes in the development of competency-based standards for the professional workplace. With over 20 years of experience we have developed competency profiles for a wide variety of professions.
Our typical clients are regulatory, certification and accreditation organizations. We undertake the initial development of competency profiles as well as updates and revalidations. We develop competencies that describe entry-to-practice expectations, as well as those applicable to seasoned workers. Typically we link competencies to education requirements and to assessment through the creation of indicator-based blueprints.
If you are new to the concept of competencies and their value for standard-setting in professional practice, or if you are frustrated and confused by poorly defined approaches, check out our Competencies FAQ for some clear answers.
Recent Publications
The Development of Canada’s Competency Profile for Professional Geoscientists at Entry-to-Practice (David Cane, co-author); Geoscience Canada, v. 44, pages 77–84 (2017)
Updating the Competency Profile and Examination Blueprint for Entry-Level Optometry in Canada (David Cane, principal author); Canadian Journal of Optometry, v. 80, No. 2, pages 31-39 (2018)